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Economic Development and Growth Perspectives in Entrepreneurship
Author(s): Sadia Junejo (MUISTD, Mehran University of Engineering Technology, Pakistan), Adnan Pitafi (MUISTD, Mehran University of Engineering Technology, Pakistan)and Arabella Bhutto (MUISTD, Mehran University of Engineering Technology, Pakistan)
Copyright: 2022
Pages: 15
Source title:
Developing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Academia
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Muhammad Nawaz Tunio (Greenwich University, Karachi, Pakistan & Alpen Adria University, Klagenfurt, Austria), Erum Shaikh (The University of Modern Sciences, Tando Muhammad Khan, Pakistan), Kiran Chaudhary (Shivaji College, University of Delhi, India)and Tiep Le Thanh (Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance, Vietnam)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8505-4.ch010
In developing countries, entrepreneurship is seen as a phenomenon related to the growth of the economy. Innovative start-ups feed the country's economy and contribute to reducing unemployment. The aim is to identify the voids to understand how entrepreneurs can better serve their country. Therefore, the authors evaluated the concepts of how entrepreneurs can effectively serve developing economies. The role of entrepreneurial factors such as entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial eco-systems in creating entrepreneurial intention is discussed along with the implementation of entrepreneurial learning in multiple disciplines to help reduce innovative obstacles.
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