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The Interdisciplinarity of the Information Science

The Interdisciplinarity of the Information Science
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Author(s): José Rascão (Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal)
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 36
Source title: Handbook of Research on Business Models in Modern Competitive Scenarios
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): George Leal Jamil (Informações em Rede e Consultoria Ltda., Brazil), Liliane Carvalho Jamil (Independent Researcher, Brazil), Cláudio Roberto Magalhães Pessoa (FUMEC University, Brazil)and Werner Silveira (Philharmonic Orchestra of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7265-7.ch015


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This chapter presents the conceptual evolution of interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and discipline under information science from a theoretical framework. The text is a research whose primary purpose is to analyze scientific research developed in the context of interdisciplinary information science with participation in more than one area of knowledge. Using the concepts presented and those that contemporary authors studied in different areas for composition of the conceptual framework that presents itself, the results of the research have enabled profiling of research in the area about the use of different approaches and concluded that different forms and levels of interaction are found in information science. It is, therefore, concluded that the concepts have changed and that caused significant changes in their meanings. These changes lead to an ongoing re-evaluation and updating in the context of information science and its implications because it is an interdisciplinary science.

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