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Information Resources Management Association
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Do Your Classes Click?: Interactive Remotes Foster Effective Pedagogy

Do Your Classes Click?: Interactive Remotes Foster Effective Pedagogy
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Author(s): Linda L. Forbringer (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA)
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 33
Source title: Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Information Resources Management Association (USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7305-0.ch041


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This chapter describes a study that examined the use of interactive remotes (clickers) in teacher education courses. In previous studies, interactive technology has been shown to increase student interest, participation, and learning in a variety of other disciplines. This study replicated those findings with pre-service and practicing teachers, but also investigated the clickers' effects on teachers' developing understanding of three evidence-based pedagogical practices: (1) active participation, (2) providing students with opportunities for frequent review and feedback, and (3) using formative assessment to guide instructional decisions. Results were overwhelmingly positive. Participants reported that using the technology developed their understanding of the targeted pedagogical practices, and this growth was reflected in their discussion of effective pedagogy after having used the interactive remotes. The chapter includes a review of the supporting pedagogical foundations, a discussion of the limitations of the current study and implications for further research.

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