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Development or Training: The Matter of Clinical Supervision in EFL Student Teachers' Teaching Practice

Development or Training: The Matter of Clinical Supervision in EFL Student Teachers' Teaching Practice
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Author(s): Esim Gursoy (Bursa Uludag University, Turkey)and Elif Eken (Bahcesehir Schools, Turkey)
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 15
Source title: Handbook of Research on Educator Preparation and Professional Learning
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Drew Polly (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA), Christie Martin (University of South Carolina at Columbia, USA)and Kenan Dikilitaş (Bahçeşehir University, Turkey)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8583-1.ch017


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As a testing ground for theory and practice transition, teaching practice is a key element of teacher training process. One way to ensure that teacher candidates are acquiring and practicing critical teaching skills is to provide feedback through reflective practice during the student teaching. However, it should be beyond the helpful prescriptions in order for student teachers to develop their own teaching philosophies. For this reason, this study focuses on the growing trend toward cooperative models of student teaching supervision: the clinical supervision model (CSM). The study reports on the student teachers' perceptions on professional development with regard to the feedback they receive (direct or indirect). Twelve ELT student teachers contributed to the study and the data was collected via an open-ended and a closed-ended questionnaire, researchers' field-notes and video-taped reflection sessions. The data analysis revealed that although having varying degrees of abstraction, most of the student teachers had positive perceptions regarding indirect feedback during CSM.

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