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Defining the Undefinable: What Does It Mean to be Gifted?

Author(s): Kimberely Fletcher Nettleton (Morehead State University, USA)
Copyright: 2015
Pages: 16
EISBN13: 9781466674981


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Gifted students come from every socio-economic level and from every background. Identification of gifted students varies widely from school to school, state to state, nation to nation. In the USA, gifted students are identified in the following areas: visual and performing arts, leadership, talent in a specific academic discipline, creativity, and overall high intellect (U.S. Department of Education, 1993). Twice-exceptional students are gifted students with a learning disability or other special need. Defining characteristics, both intellectual and emotional, are integrated into a cohesive picture of a gifted student. Identification of gifted students is the first step towards providing educational services.

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