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WISDeM and E-learning System Interaction Issues
This paper discusses interaction between the computer interface and the user in e-learning. [Catania 1992] reports that sensory input is mainly derived from iconic 60%, auditory 30%, and haptic 10% with little from olfactory and gustatory. [Driscoll and Garcia 2000; Fleming 2001; Fleming and Mills 1998; Fuller et al. 2000; Murphy et al. 2002] show that everyone has his/her own preference for exchanging ideas, acquiring and passing on knowledge. [Sadowski and Stanney 1999] report that there is a tendency to prefer one sensory input (visual, auditory or kinaesthetic – tactile/haptic) whilst [Fleming 2001]’s research shows that most students prefer multi-modal communication. [Janvier and Ghaoui 2001; Janvier and Ghaoui 2002a; Janvier and Ghaoui 2002b] consider that correct inter-communication style should be established and started before learners commence their e-learning: their research hypothesis is “Matching language patterns in an intelligent agent/intelligent tutoring system (ITS) will enhance human computer interface (HCI) communication and, thus, enhance the storing of and recall of instances to and from the learner’s memory”.