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Towards Powerful, User-Friendly Authentication: The Check-Off Password System ("COPS")
Passwords have always been the dominant method of information system user authentication. The level of security provided by passwords has been an ongoing concern. Strong security requirements mandate that users are issued passwords of sufficient length and with sufficient variability in characters, but these passwords tend to be difficult to remember. Conversely, when users select their own, more easily-remembered passwords, the passwords may also be easier to violate or “crack.” The proposed study presents a new approach to entering passwords, which combines a high level of security with easy recall for the user. The Check- Off Password System (COPS) is more secure than user-selected password systems, as well as high-protection, assigned password systems. However, we hypothesize that users will prefer this system to traditional assignedpassword systems despite the more cognitively involved input mechanism, because it is easier to recall the COPS “password.” Our findings will establish COPS as a valid alternative to current user authentication systems.