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Spatial Metadata Server: Supporting Data Clearinghouse in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region
This paper outlines an ongoing research on the implementation of spatial metadata server for the Hindu-Khus Himalayan region to facilitate spatial data sharing among different regional agencies. As a mainstream of information technology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is getting into the core of natural resource planning and decision-making in the mountain region. In order to communicate and interoperate with different spatial data warehouse in the region, a metadata sever is an essential and an integral part of the spatial data infrastructure. We identify issues on metadata sharing standards and the institutional position in the Hindu-Khus Himalayan region. As a part of the FGDC(Federal Data Geographic Committee) compliant metadata tools, we illustrate a spatial search tool to allow for cataloging, indexing and searching spatial data. We also outlined a planned distributed architecture for metadata server and implementation schema to map the existing differences in the metadata standards.