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Quality Introduced: The Key to E-commerce Systems Success
Predictions of the economic windfall e-commerce is expected to bring to business has lead to a reactive surge of businesses wanting to take their business online. However, businesses are only seeing the potential gains that can be made through this new business medium, not the potential loses. In the haste for businesses to get online and for developers to get businesses online, several critical issues are, for whatever reason, being ignored. This paper is based on surveys of potential e-commerce consumers and interviews with e-commerce developers. It presents an e-commerce system success lifecycle that both business and developers can apply to ensure that their e-commerce systems are a business success. It introduces the idea of information systems quality into the e-commerce development lifecycle thus providing a more holistic approach to the selection, development, and operation of an e-commerce system. The guidelines presented in this paper provide a framework that it is hoped will lead to future e-commerce systems that offer a higher quality of success to business and, as a result, become more widely accepted and used by consumers.