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A Method to Determine the Fraction of the Scientific Literature Within A Domain that is Available on the World Wide Web
The World Wide Web is often seen as a way for scientists and professionals to disseminate information to people outside their own communities. The current World Wide Web search engines make it hard to locate information for scientific and professional use, and search engines focused on one domain have been suggested as a solution. The success of a search engine focused on one domain depends on whether there are enough documents available on the World Wide Web to make the engine useful. To answer this question we propose a method to determine how large a fraction of the literature within a domain that is available on the World Wide Web. We use the method to determine fraction of the computer science literature that is available on the Web and estimate that 18% of the computer science papers published in 1997 is available on the World Wide Web. We also discover that a large amount of unpublished papers is available as well. We believe that with this amount of information available a search engine focusing on computer science documents on the World Wide Web could be useful in the work of scientists, students, and professionals.