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An Integrative Framework for Achieving HIPAA-Compliance for Healthcare Information Systems
Currently the Healthcare industry globally is contending with relentless pressures to lower costs while maintaining and increasing the quality of service. Robust Healthcare Information Systems (HCIS) become critical to enabling healthcare organizations address these challenges. In this paper, we propose an integrative framework for HIPAA compliant, I*IQ HCIS. We base this framework on an integration of the requirements for HIPAA compliance, the principles of Information Integrity (I*I), as well as the healthcare quality aims (Q) set forth by the Committee on the Quality of Healthcare in America [1]. The power of this framework is that, while it has been developed taking into account critical issues pertaining to security in the US healthcare environment it is as relevant in any healthcare system. To illustrate its universality we discuss the appropriateness of this system in the UK NHS environment as well.