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Guidelines for Developing Quality Use Case Descriptions
A use case description (UCD) is used to document detailed behavior of a use case in order to communicate its functionalities to different stakeholders related to the use case. A UCD plays an important role throughout software project’s lifecycle. But there is no standard or widely-accepted approach for developing UCDs. They are developed based on the personal preference; both UCD formats and contents vary largely among different documenters. In this paper we present the seven-step use case documentation method. Our method integrates two writing rule sets and the three-level hierarchical use case evaluation method. The two writing rule sets cover syntax style and step rules that guide how to write each step in UCDs. The three-level hierarchical use case evaluation method helps use case developers evaluate UCDs from the overview level, the use case element level, and the sentence level. The recommended techniques of our paper is a synthesis of a thorough comparison of various UCD contents and formats discussed in literatures and our own experiences developed through a graduate Systems Analysis and Design class for many years.