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An Experimental Evaluation of Dynamic Electronic Catalog Models in Relational Database Systems
Author(s): Kiryoong Kim (Seoul National University, Korea), Dongkyu Kim (Seoul National University, Korea), Jeuk Kim (Seoul National University, Korea), Ighoon Lee (Seoul National University, Korea), Sang-goo Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)and Sang-uk Park (CorelogiX, Inc., Korea)
Copyright: 2002
Pages: 4
Source title:
Issues & Trends of Information Technology Management in Contemporary Organizations
Source Editor(s): Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A. (Information Resources Management Association, USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-930708-39-6.ch109
ISBN13: 9781930708396
EISBN13: 9781466641358
Electronic catalogs are information about products and services in the electronic commerce environment and require diverse and flexible schemas. Although relational database systems seem to be an obvious choice for their storage, traditional designs of relational schemas cannot support electronic catalogs in the most effective ways. Therefore, new models for managing diverse and flexible schemas in relational databases are required for such systems. This paper proposes several models for electronic catalogs using relational tables, and presents an experimental evaluation of their efficiency. The results of this study can be put to practical use and is, in fact, being applied in the design of a commercial software product