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Evaluating Quality Perception in IT Services: A Brazilian Exploratory Study
Author(s): Eduardo Margara da Silva (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Gin Kwan Yue (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Roberto Gilioli Rotondaroand Fernando José Barbin Laurindo
Copyright: 2005
Pages: 4
Source title:
Managing Modern Organizations Through Information Technology
Source Editor(s): Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A. (Information Resources Management Association, USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-822-2.ch047
ISBN13: 9781616921293
EISBN13: 9781466665354
The IT areas assumed, sometimes even involuntarily, an outstanding position, since the competition level attributed to business now depends on IT capabilities in order to provide the company competence to innovate, to interact with customers, to operate productively, to be connected in business networks or to control operations and resources applications (Laurindo et al., 2003; Porter, 2001; Tapscott, 2001;Henderson & Venkatraman, 1993; McFarlan, 1984). The objective of this article is to understand the movements and changes that are taking place in the application of IT in business, mainly in companies where IT function is strategic and fundamental, as in the sectors of telecommunications, banking, insurance, credit cards and IT services. Especially in Brazil, a developing country with a strong and growing economy, where the majority of large multinationals companies are present, business managers are still facing the lack of modern concepts and techniques for operations management. The basis for this discussing was carried out through an exploratory research in companies in those sectors. The main results were obtained from an exploratory survey, which measures the dimensions of evaluation of IT customers service satisfaction. Besides, this paper tried to explore concepts, techniques and management methods, related to service quality, which can be adopted to confront the problem approached.