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Enhancing user Interactive Experience Through diasporic Reception
This paper focuses on the notion of interactivity and how ideas from outside the field of interaction design can expand the understanding and application of interactivity. Interactivity is generally seen as the user’s ability to easily access information. For certain writers and practitioners, however, the idea of interactivity extends to user’s capacity to shape content and meaning to extend the range of experience in digital media contexts. Using a combination of theoretical discussion, the research explores the second perspective, proposing a mode of interactivity that supports user’s capacities for reflexivity and intervention. In the wake of poststructuralism, computer and digitally networked technologies are seen to challenge traditions of stable, a priori authorship by allowing users to construct meaning from the range of available content. Anthony Giddens’s writings on human reflexivity support the idea of the ‘knowledgeability’ of human agents, that is, their capacity to understand the nature of their circumstances and to act upon them. Theories of diasporic reception argue that visualities produced by diasporic individuals reveal critical reflexivity in the mixing of cultural meanings and materials. The research draws on these ideas to suggest the importance of allowing users to experience autonomy, agency and self-determination in digital media contexts.