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Distribution-Collaboration Networks (DCN): An Organizational Transformation Perspective on the Development of E-Government Services
The focus of this paper is to show that the development of e-government services needs to be fundamentally reconsidered if it is to achieve its raison d’ être – the transformation of bureaucratic public sector agencies into a web of citizen-centric service providers. The status of current e-government initiatives is discussed and an emerging context for developing e-government services is presented: responsibility for public service provision may be distributed to multiple entities, and "public" value no longer needs to be provided by government alone. It can be provided through a system comprised of public agencies, the private sector, community groups, or citizens themselves, using communications networks as a mechanism for process management and conducting transactions. To investigate the intricacies of such a complex system, which we call a Distribution-Collaboration Network (DCN), we have developed a DCN Service Transformation Model. The main properties of this model are presented and its differentiating characteristics are analyzed, from an organizational transformation perspective. Based on that, we present certain guidelines for the development of e-government services along three dimensions: strategy, process engineering and technical infrastructure development.