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design of Web Information System Process-oriented
Modern Web Information System must answer “on the fly” to the company’s change requirements. To do this, companies abandoned the vertical vision that locates business logic in functional areas and orient them toward a transversal vision that, according to the process logic, tries to improve the management exploiting as much as possible the existing resources. Process vision seems a good way to guarantee to the manager a full business activity control and to increase the flexibility degree in the IS management in order to apply immediately changes. To reach a good flexibility level a company “process vision” is not enough: it is very important that processes are explicitly taken in consideration in the Information System and not hidden in the code. In this paper our goal is to provide a methodological approach to the design of Web Information System in order to obtain a good flexibility level. We consider the two main aspects of the Web Information System that is the management of the user experience (a typical problem of web application) and the design of the business process already made by business experts and we try to integrate them through methodological guidelines.