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Data Warehouse Schemas: A Software Engineering Approach towards an Efficient Modeling of Complex, Dynamic Conceptual Schemas
In contrast to most traditional information systems which are based on a static, consistent view of transactional data, a data warehouse comprises several stages of data integration and data aggregation. Hence, the conceptual design of data warehouses addresses not only data structures, but also derivation paths. Integration and aggregation paths result in highly complex schemas and consistent time references must be introduced. Moreover, available meta data often cannot be reused for data warehouse design because warehouse development tools focus on physical data load instead of conceptual integration. In this paper we enrich the Structured Entity-Relationship Model with appropriate extensions for data warehousing design (e.g. derivation rules and schema aggregation) and adapt a commercial CASE toolset to support such extended conceptual modeling. By that means warehouse schemas can be specified efficiently and meta data of existing information systems can be reused.