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Conceptual Development of the Web Strengths E-Business Systems Utilization Fulfillment
As more companies are moving into electronic business and are accepting new waves of the information society, they face growing business opportunities as well as an risk for making wrong business decisions due to the lack of valuable information or poor-quality information. In an attempt to extract the world intelligence hidden in vast amount of information resources, e-business companies should find relevant technology solutions to cope with these increasing information needs. While most of e-business companies have for some time recognized the requirements for quality of products and services to be competitive, they are only now becoming aware of the problems in information quality. Information quality improvement is not a desire; it is a required tool for e-business performance excellence in the information society. The result in information development of the Web, is the Web content space where information users and intelligent agents can directly tap the latest relevant information in linked and related information resources. This would help free information users from having to search for information source by source, and from relying on directories and search engines. It will resulted in the techniques that could outfit information users with personal information portals and search/intelligent agents tailored to their particular information needs. These information appliances will be configured to learn and respond to personal details with the help of artificial intelligence techniques. Hence, the development of the Web horizon includes both the information and the functional architecture where the appropriate Web modeling technique and language is needed.