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Collaboration Models or What does It Take for Collaboration to Become a Common Asset?
The UN E-Government Author team has been assessing the readiness of the 191 UN Member States with respect to their E-Government readiness (Nation, 2005). The analysis of more than 50.000 features on their website has been used as a first indication how ready and serious a country is applying E-Government, including E-Government related procedures and processes. It also focuses in the second part on the interaction of information technology and the role of governmental and industrial institutions with the human being, the citizen itself. This range of the study expresses the desperate need of more advanced E-Government applications and as a consequence the ability, accessibility and ease of use of advanced technology from a Governmental perspective. (Nation, 2005), see page 16. The fifth recommendation is expressing the need of the formulation of a development strategy based on effective and indigenously appropriate utilization of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) in each sector is required so that the market, the government and the citizen have a mutually beneficial and equitable role to play.