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Assessing Satisfaction and Academic Locus of Control of Dropout Students in e-Learning Courses
Although studies have been conducted related to dropouts from on campus and distance education courses, none provide a clear definition of dropout from academic courses. It is the main purpose of this study to propose a clear definition of dropout from e-learning courses. Additionally, literature suggests that students attending e-learning courses dropout at substantially higher rates than their counterparts in on-campus courses. Little attention has been given to the key factors associated with such substantial difference. This study explores two main constructs: 1) academic locus of control; and, 2) students’ satisfaction with e-learning. Results show that students’ satisfaction with e-learning is a key indicator in students’ decision to dropout from e-learning courses. Moreover, dropout students (non-completers) reported to have significantly lower satisfaction with e-learning than students who successfully completed (completers) the same e-learning courses. Additionally, results of this study show that the academic locus of control appears to have no impact on students’ decision to drop from e-learning courses.