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Architectural Evaluation Support Tools
Author(s): Phillip Schmidt (The Aerospace Corporation, USA), Greg Mulert (The Aerospace Corporation, USA)and Zaven Petrosyan (The Aerospace Corporation, USA)
Copyright: 2005
Pages: 5
Source title:
Managing Modern Organizations Through Information Technology
Source Editor(s): Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A. (Information Resources Management Association, USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-822-2.ch111
ISBN13: 9781616921293
EISBN13: 9781466665354
The Software Architecture Representation Analysis Experimentation Environment (SARAEE) is an applied research project that investigates architectural representation issues that arose from our Real-time Embedded Architecture-Centric Testbed (REACT) experience. This report documents three architectural evaluation support tools that were developed by SARAEE to support on-going architectural analysis conducted by REACT. The tools include a requirement visualization tool that assists in the visualization of requirement dependencies, a tool to support REACT’s aspect-oriented architectural assessment approach, and an early prototype tool that assists in investigating the potential impact of unanticipated concerns. This report presents the motivation for developing the tools to support REACT and their features. Finally, we discuss future directions in our tool development efforts.