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Information Technology Management
Published: Semi-Annually
Copyright: ©1988
DOI: 10.4018/ITM
ISSN: 1080-286X
DescriptionThis practical, informative semi-annual newsletter is a leading publication of information technology resources management. Short, concise articles give you objective, professional views of newly emerging technologies and trends designed to help you be more competitive in your field. Each issue includes reports on information technology topics, expert assessments of various technology-related products, and information about professional events and activities. Previously published articles include: Information Technology and the Informed Citizen; Using Technology to Motivate Students; Publishing the Paperless Textbook; The World of Paperless Information; Research and the Internet; and many more.
MissionThis practical, informative semi-annual newsletter is a leading publication of information technology resources management. Short, concise articles give you objective, professional views of newly emerging technologies and trends designed to help you be more competitive in your field. Each issue includes reports on information technology topics, expert assessments of various technology-related products, and information about professional events and activities. Previously published articles include: Information Technology and the Informed Citizen; Using Technology to Motivate Students; Publishing the Paperless Textbook; The World of Paperless Information; Research and the Internet; and many more.
Editorial Review BoardVice President Editorial
Jan Travers, IGI Global
Editorial Advisory Board
Abdulla H. Abdul-Gader, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Anil Aggarwal, University of Baltimore, USA
Judi Copler, Wright State University School of Medicine, USA
Ganga Dakshinamurti, University of Manitoba, Canada
Charles K. Davis, University of St. Thomas, USA
Brad Eden, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Richard Eimas, University of Iowa, USA
Bijan Fazlollahi, Georgia State University, USA
Dolores Fidishun, Penn State Great Valley School of Graduate Professional Studies, USA
Fred Gertler, Santa Clara University, USA
John E. Gessford, California State University, Long Beach, USA
Hemant Jain, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Vipul Jain, INRIA Lorraine, France
Zdravko Kaltnekar, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Glenn McGuigan, Penn State Harrisburg, USA
Sue Myburgh, University of South Australia, Australia
Sufi M. Nazem, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Hasan Pirkul, University of Texas, Dallas, USA
Pauline Ratnasingam, Central Missouri State University, USA
Sorel Reisman, California State University, Fullerton, USA
Al Saber, Friends University, USA
Miroslaw Skibniewski, Purdue University, USA
Edward J. Szewczak, Canisius College, USA
Mohammed H. A. Tafti, Hofstra University, USA
Andrew Targowski, Western Michigan University, USA