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Strengthening Multicultural Community for Teenagers Using Role Playing Game Development: Case Study Game Titled “Enthrean Radiance”
Teenagers are the generation who are still looking for their identity. The unstable condition of teenagers' minds and emotions makes them easily affected by bad things through media regarding cultural differences. Teenagers usually have groups with a certain culture and do not want to mingle with different cultures outside their circle. This becomes a problem when they have to communicate inter-culturally. Nowadays, teenagers like to play games, and one of the genres they play is role playing game (RPG). In this type of game, players can control the characters in the RPG according to their wishes and follow the story developed by the game designer. This is what underlies how RPG can be one of the breakthroughs in providing an understanding of intercultural communication to teenagers. In this chapter, an RPG is designed to have elements of intercultural dialogue in an implicit way in order to provides messages about peace and develop a community that has diverse cultures. Through the development of this RPG, teenagers can better understand and want to mingle with cultures around them.
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