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MDA-Based Methodology for Verifying Distributed Execution of Embedded Systems Models

MDA-Based Methodology for Verifying Distributed Execution of Embedded Systems Models
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Author(s): Anikó Costa (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal), Paulo E. S. Barbosa (Universidade Estadual da Paraiba, Brazil), Filipe Moutinho (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal), Fernando Pereira (Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal), Franklin Ramalho (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil), Jorge C. A. Figueiredo (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil)and Luis Gomes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Copyright: 2013
Pages: 24
Source title: Formal Methods in Manufacturing Systems: Recent Advances
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Zhiwu Li (Xidian University, People’s Republic of China)and Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4034-4.ch006


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Model-based development for embedded system design has been used to accommodate the increase in system’s complexity. Several modeling formalisms proved to be well matched for usage within this area. The goal of this chapter is to present a model-based development methodology for embedded systems design. One of the main aims of this methodology is to contribute for usage of Petri nets as a system specification language within model-based development of embedded systems integrating MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) proposals as a reference for the development flow. Distributed execution of the initial developed platform-independent models is achieved through model partitioning into platform-specific sub-modules. System model decomposition is obtained through a net splitting operation. Two types of implementation platforms are considered: compliant and non-compliant with zero time delay for communication between modules (in other words, compliant or not with synchronous paradigm). Using a model-checking framework, properties associated to the execution of the distributed models in both types of platforms are compared with the execution of the initial model.

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