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Development of an Information System for the Assessment of different Bioenergy Concepts Regarding Sustainable Development

Development of an Information System for the Assessment of different Bioenergy Concepts Regarding Sustainable Development
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Author(s): Meike Schmehl (University Göttingen, Germany), Swantje Eigner-Thiel (University Göttingen, Germany), Jens Ibendorf (University Göttingen, Germany), Martina Hesse (University Göttingen, Germany)and Jutta Geldermann (University Göttingen, Germany)
Copyright: 2010
Pages: 19
Source title: Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems: Advancements and Trends
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Frank Teuteberg (University of Osnabrueck, Germany)and Jorge Marx Gomez (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-981-1.ch019



From an environmental, economic, social, and technical perspective, this chapter focuses on a sustainability assessment of concepts for the energetic use of biomass in order to provide decision support for different options of biomass use. In rural areas, bioenergy concepts are of particular interest in this context. These can for example be biogas plants which are operated by electric service providers, or a biogas plant owned by one farmer, or bioenergy villages. The topic relates to the development of suitable criteria and to the adaption of existing indicator systems to the special requirements of sustainable biomass use for energy. The results of this sustainability assessment consider the different biomass concepts’ advantages and disadvantages, which are illustrated by multi-criteria valuation methods. Furthermore, the sustainability assessment of bioenergy concepts has specific requirements with regard to an information system in terms of data and information’s demand and supply side.

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