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Decision Analysis in Financial Marketing Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods

Decision Analysis in Financial Marketing Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods
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Author(s): Prabadevi Boopathy (Vellore Institute of Technology, India)and N. Deepa (Vellore Institute of Technology, India)
Copyright: 2021
Pages: 15
Source title: Sustainability Reporting, Ethics, and Strategic Management Strategies for Modern Organizations
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Ionica Oncioiu (Titu Maiorescu University, Romania), Sorinel Căpușneanu (Titu Maiorescu University, Romania), Dan Ioan Topor (1 Decembrie 1918 University, Romania)and Dana Maria (Oprea) Constantin (University of Bucharest, Romania)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4637-6.ch007


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In the trend of digital marketing, the back and front office activities are automized. For any business organization of various departmental activities, finance and marketing play a vital role. Finance and marketing are the most important functional areas of operations in any business organization, as they directly impact the financial growth as well as market steadiness of the business. As very crucial decisions taken in these functional areas of operations affect the other departments, the decisions in these financial marketing should be taken with utmost care. Henceforth, this results in greater impact on economic growth of the organization. Therefore, the decisions in finance and marketing activities should consider various factors (critical to quality) before arriving at a conclusion. In order to attain the final decision, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods can be applied. These MCDM methods consider the conflicting factors to evaluate the finance and marketing activities.

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