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Channel Optimization for On Field Sales Force by Integration of Business Software on Mobile Platforms

Channel Optimization for On Field Sales Force by Integration of Business Software on Mobile Platforms
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Author(s): Rishi Kalra (Symbiosis International University, India)and Amit Nanchahal (Symbiosis International University, India)
Copyright: 2009
Pages: 12
Source title: Handbook of Research in Mobile Business, Second Edition: Technical, Methodological and Social Perspectives
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Bhuvan Unhelkar (University of Western Sydney, Australia)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-156-8.ch017


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Marketing and sales channels are a significant lifeline for the sales force of a business. Sales professionals work on the concept of creating and widening channels that are then fed by the supply chain and distribution network of the businesses. Sales teams are constantly pushed to meet customer expectations while generating revenue for the company. As companies grow, these pressures increase. Sales teams are now looking at Mobile Sales Force Automation technologies to handle the ever increasing customer demands. Companies want to keep costs low, increase productivity and efficiency through mobile devices for the much needed edge on the field. This chapter is based on literature review of channel optimization as well as mobile software platforms and challenges faced by the sales force. This chapter discusses the need for integrating business software on mobile platforms that will optimize and enhance the performance of sales processes.

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