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Governance Strategies for Effective Sustainable Development

Governance Strategies for Effective Sustainable Development
Author(s)/Editor(s): Vipin Nadda (University of Sunderland, UK), Uday Bhan Singh (Central University Dharamshala, India)and Bilan Sahidi (The University of Sunderland, UK)
Copyright: ©2025
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3011-1
ISBN13: 9798369330111
EISBN13: 9798369330128


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Good governance is an ongoing challenge for sustainable development in today's world. The current paradigm of neoliberal restructuring has dominated development governance, often disregarding alternative methods. To address this gap, Governance Strategies for Effective Sustainable Development explores governance's multidimensional nature, offering insights into diverse perspectives on institutional roles in development and the underlying reasons for variations in governance mechanisms across countries. This work aims to provide a roadmap for creating effective, accountable, and transparent institutions, as outlined in SDG16, by examining the need for institutional changes at local, national, regional, and global levels.

This book, tailored for academics, researchers, and students, plays a pivotal role as a critical resource for understanding and navigating the complexities of governance. With a focus on more than 100 universities in the UK and over 400 in India, this text aims to engage a wide audience, offering valuable insights into the principles of participatory decision-making and strengthening global governance. By delving into the core questions surrounding governance's purpose and its role in sustainable development, this book not only provides a platform for dialogue and action but also empowers its readers to address the challenges of our time.

Author's/Editor's Biography

Vipin Nadda (Ed.)
Vipin Nadda I am currently serving as Senior Lecturer and Programme Manager (Tourism, hospitality, and Events) with University of Sunderland in London. A science graduate with MBA (Marketing), MTA (Tourism) and PhD (Tourism Management), I have more than twenty years of experience in academics and Industry. As an active researcher, I have authored and edited eight books, published more than thirty research articles, presented papers in various international conferences and published scores of book chapters. As an experienced academician, I have been Lecturing a variety of courses ranging from Sustainable tourism development, Service Marketing, International business environment to Service quality, International Tourism and Hospitality Management in the UK as well as overseas which echo my research interests as well. I am co-editor in chief for International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management, Innovation and Development and have organised many international conferences


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