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Thomas M. Connolly
Prof. Thomas M. Connolly spent 15 years in the software industry as a manager at Logica and a Director at SEMA. He has been a professor for the last 30 years. He developed the first commercial relational database system in the world and went on to write the bestselling textbook Database Systems that has sold more than 2 million copies. He became Head of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Paisley (now University of the West of Scotland) and then Head of the Creative Technologies department. He led the computing research submission for both REF2008 and REF2014. In terms of research and commercialization, Professor Connolly was Director of the Institute for Creative Technologies and Applied Computing (ICTAC), Director of the Clinical Decision Support Research Institute and Director of the Scottish Centre for Enabling Technologies (SCET). Professor Connolly has 25 PhD completions and over 300 peer-reviewed publications. He is editor of the International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE) and peer reviews for many prestigious journals. In the last 15 years, he has completed over 650 national and international research and commercial projects.