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Teeradaj Racharak
Teeradaj Racharak is an Assistant Professor in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). He is broadly interested in mathematical modeling of AI. Before JAIST, he was a software and DevOps engineer, involved in the development of large-scaled web applications including and Inkblazers. Academically, he did my 1st Ph.D. in Description Logic under the supervision of Professor Satoshi Tojo and my 2nd Ph.D. in Computational Argumentation under the supervision of Assistant Professor Nguyen Duy Hung; and my master's in Logic Programming under the supervision of Professor Phan Minh Dung. Apart from the studies in Computational Logic, he is an open-minded software engineer and am interested in many things related to Artificial Intelligence and software development methodologies.