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Sukhpal Singh Gill
Dr. Sukhpal Singh Gill is an Assistant Professor of Cloud Computing at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK. Prior to this, Dr. Gill has worked at Lancaster University, UK, and the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, University of Melbourne, Australia. He was awarded Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in 2022 after passing PGCAP/PGCert with Distinction. He was the winner of the Queen Mary University Education Excellence Award 2023 and the EECS 2023 Award for Widest Academic Staff Contribution at QMUL. He has published his scholarship articles in highly-ranked education conferences and journals such as IEEE EDUCON, Wiley Computer Applications in Engineering Education, and IT NOW—the British Computer Society (BCS). Dr. Gill received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering with Distinction in 2010, the Degree of Master of Engineering in Software Engineering (Gold Medalist) in 2013, as well as a Doctoral Degree specialization in Autonomic Cloud Computing (DST INSPIRE Fellow) in 2016. Dr. Gill was a research visitor at Monash University, the University of Manitoba, the University of Manchester, and Imperial College London. He was a recipient of several awards, including the Distinguished Reviewer Award from Software: Practice and Experience (Wiley), 2018 and the Best Paper Award AusPDC at ACSW 2021. He has also served as the PC member for venues such as IEEE PerCom, UCC, Euro-Par, CCGRID, CLOUDS, ICFEC, and AusPDC. His one review paper has been nominated and selected for the ACM 21st annual Best of Computing Notable Books and Articles as one of the notable items published in computing – 2016. He has co-authored 150+ peer-reviewed papers (with Citations 8000+ and H-index 45+ as per Google Scholar) and has published in prominent international journals and conferences such as ACM CSUR, IEEE COMST, IEEE TCC, IEEE TSC, IEEE TSUSC, IEEE TCE, ACM TOIT, IEEE TII, IEEE TNSM, IEEE IoT Journal, Elsevier JSS/FGCS, IEEE/ACM UCC, and IEEE CCGRID. Dr. Gill served as a Guest Editor for SPE (Wiley), JCC Springer Journal, Sustainability Journal (MDPI) and Sensors Journal (MDPI). He is a regular reviewer for IEEE TPDS, IEEE TSC, IEEE TNSE, IEEE TSC, ACM CSUR, and Wiley SPE. Dr. Gill has reviewed 600+ research articles from high ranked journals and prestigious conferences as per the Web of Science. He has edited research books for Elsevier, Springer, and CRC Press. Dr. Gill is serving as an Associate Editor in the IEEE IoT Journal, Elsevier IoT Journal, Wiley SPE Journal, Wiley ETT Journal, and IET Networks Journal, and as an Area Editor for the Springer Cluster Computing Journal. His name appears in the list of the World’s Top 2% of Scientists released by Stanford University and Elsevier BV (2022 and 2023). Dr. Gill has been serving as an editorial board member for IGIGLOBAL JOEUC, IGIGLOBAL IJAEC, and MECS IJEME. One of his articles published by the IEEE IoT Journal is highlighted in IEEE Spectrum (the world’s leading engineering magazine). Dr. Gill wrote articles for international magazines such as Ars Technica, Tech Monitor, Cutter Consortium, and ICT Academy. He has been interviewed by Tallinn University, Estonia, to talk about “The capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT for Education“. His research interests include Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Software Engineering, Internet of Things and Energy Efficiency. For further information, please visit