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Siran Mukerji
Siran Mukerji, a Jawahar Lal Nehru scholar for Doctoral studies in Human Resource Development, has Masters in Distance Education and Public Administration. She has been International Research Fellow of Open University Business School (2009), Open University (UK). At Arab Open University Saudi Arabia, she was a faculty member in Business Administration. She is one of the Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing and Author/Editor of Teaching Case books on Innovations in Educational Marketing, Interactive Technology Environments, Technology Enhanced Learning, Transnational Learning & Technologically enabled Environments, and Technological Adaptability and Transnational Learning. She has contributed articles in standard national and international journals and presented papers in national and international conferences. Dr. Mukerji is a member of review committees for numerous international conferences and journals. Her research interests include Performance Management and HRM in Open and Distance Learning institutions. As Deputy Director in IGNOU (India), she is responsible for student recruitment and related support services management.