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Information Resources Management Association
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Rocci Luppicini

Rocci Luppicini is the Immediate Past Director (Arts), Tri-Faculty Graduate E-Business Technologies (EBT) Program and an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Technoethics(2010-2020) and a leading expert in Technology Studies (TS) and Technoethics. Main research areas include: Ethical dilemmas with new technology (media ethics, cybercrime, hacking, cyber espionage, cyberbullying), Digital Transformation (digital aesthetics, online communities, technofeminism, social media, e-trust, social responsibility), Identity and Technology (human-computer interaction, e-identity management, human enhancement, post-human society, social robotics, cyberculture), Educational Technology (program planning and development, distance education, blended education, instructional design, technology integration) and Organizational Studies (systems theory, virtual organizations, organizational communications, organizational change, socio-technical change).
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