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Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Robert K. Atkinson

Robert K. Atkinson is an Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering in the Ira A. Schools of Engineering and the Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation in the Mary Lou Fulton Teacher’s College. He earned in Applied Cognitive Science PhD degree from University of Wisconsin – Madison with a minor in statistics and research design. His current research foci include the design of personalized learning environments, educational applications of social media, mobile learning, learner analytics, and data mining. He has obtained—both independently and collaboratively—over $20 million dollars in grant support from a variety of sources including the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and the Intel Corporation. His research appears in a variety of highly respected academic journals including Journal of Educational Psychology, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Instruction, Review of Educational Research, and Educational Psychologist.
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