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Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Purnendu Tripathi

Purnendu Tripathi, an International Research Fellow (2009) of Open University Business School (OUBS) at Open University (UK), has a Ph.D in Management. At Arab Open University (AOU) Saudi Arabia, as a faculty member in Business Administration, he was faculty mentor, programme and course coordinator entrusted with the responsibility of training and development of the faculty members teaching in open and distance learning (ODL) environment, besides his own teaching and research in ODL. Currently, he is serving as one of the Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM). He has authored/edited five Teaching Case books on Innovations in Educational Marketing, Interactive Technology Environments, Technology Enhanced Learning, Transnational Learning & Technologically enabled Environments, and Technological Adaptability and Transnational Learning. His current research interests include Higher Education Management, Higher Education Marketing, and Academic Program Life Cycle (APLC). In his parent institution, IGNOU (India), he is Deputy Director, looking after academic management and student support services in open and distance learning.
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