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Patricia Dickenson

Patricia A. Dickenson, Ed.D., is an Assistant Professor of Teacher Education at National University, in San Jose California. Her administrative responsibilities include Program lead for the Bachelors of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies with the Multiple and Single Subject teaching credential. Dr. Dickenson's teaching and research area focus on teacher professional development in technology and mathematics, and teacher preparation. Dr. Dickenson began teaching for the Los Angeles Unified School District and has taught elementary, middle and high school. Dr. Dickenson was also a mathematics coach and continues to work with in-service teachers as part of the University of California Mathematics Project. Dr. Dickenson recent publication includes editor-in-chief of Increasing Productivity and Efficiency in Online Teaching and author and speaker of the video series The Digital Professor: Creating an Online Presence. She maintains a professional website around topics of teacher education and preparation at: and maintains an active Twitter feed:@teacherpreptech.
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