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Nurhizam Safie Bin Mohd Satar
Nurhizam Safie Satar
is the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology & Science. Prior to holding this administrative position, he was a Research Fellow at the United Nations University, He was awarded a Technologist (.Ts/P.Tech (Information Technology) from the Malaysian Board of Technology (MBoT) in 2018. Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Systems Management Information (MIS) was received from the International Islamic University of Malaysia in 2010. He received a National Science Fellowship (NSF) from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MoSTI) to continue his studies for a doctoral degree. A Master's Degree in Information Technology was accepted from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 1999 and he was awarded a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom in 2019.