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André de Waal
André de Waal (1960) is Academic Director of the HPO Center, an organization that conducts
research into high performance organizations. He is also a partner at the Finance Function Research &
Development Center, a company that aims to help finance functions to transform into high-performing
units. André has been a consultant and partner with Arthur Andersen for 16 years. André also held a
13-year tenure as Associate Professor Organizational Effectiveness at the Maastricht School of Management. He has been guest lecturer at the Free University Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, and
Erasmus University Rotterdam, visiting fellow at Cranfield University UK, and senior lecturer at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences. André holds a MSc in Chemistry from Leiden University (the
Netherlands), an MBA from Northeastern University Boston (USA), and a Ph.D. in Economics from
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the Netherlands). His dissertation was about the behavioral aspects that
are important for the successful implementation and use of performance management systems. André
teaches and undertakes projects in the field of high-performance organizations and performance management in countries such as China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Nepal, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador,
Suriname, United States, UK, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Palestine, South Africa, Namibia, Tanzania, and Zambia. He was selected by managementboek.
nl as one of the Dutch Masters in Management, 10 people who have influenced management thinking
in The Netherlands the most in the past decade. André has published 440 articles (among which more
than 140 academic publications) and 35 books. Among his English books are Power of Performance
Management, How Leading Companies Create Sustained Value (John Wiley & Sons, 2001), Quest for
Balance, the human element in performance management systems (John Wiley & Sons, 2002), What
Makes A High Performance Organization (Global Professional Publishing, 2012), Strategic Performance
Management (Palgrave MacMillan, 2nd edition, 2013), and High-Performance Managerial Leadership
(Praeger, 2020). His articles can be read on and