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Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Steve Ferrara

Steve Ferrara is Vice President, Performance Assessment, and leads the Center for Next Generation Learning and Assessment in Pearson’s Research and Innovation Network. The center designs, develops, validates, and conducts research on performance assessment for summative and formative uses to support learning. Prior to joining Pearson, Steve was a Principal Research Scientist at CTB/McGraw-Hill, Managing Research Director in the assessment program at American Institutes for Research, and State Assessment Director in Maryland, and a Head Start and high school special education teacher. Steve conducts psychometric research and designs large scale and formative assessments for K-12 educational achievement. He serves on technical advisory panels for assessment programs and research projects. He was Editor of Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice and serves on journal editorial advisory boards. Steve was co-recipient, AERA Cognition and Assessment Special Interest Group 2014 award for Outstanding Contribution to Practice in Cognition and Assessment; and co-recipient, AERA Division D 2006 award for Significant Contributions to Educational Measurement and Research Methodology.
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