Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Stephen Rainey

Dr. Stephen Rainey has a First Class honours degree and a Master's degree with distinction in philosophy. He obtained his PhD entitled 'A Pragmatic Conception of Rationality' in 2008 from Queen's University, Belfast. He has published articles on topics related to the philosophy of language, group identity, ethics, governance and ICTs, understanding and rationality. Dr. Rainey is a researcher in FP7-funded research projects ETICA, EGAIS and CONSIDER. These projects have involved philosophical treatments of ethics, ICTs, governance and policy, European identity and the role of the citizenry in knowledge societies. His present interests include the philosophy of technology, AI and identity, and the challenges of policy-making. He acts as a consultant to the ethics sector of the European Commission.
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