Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Petar Kocovic

Petar Kočović is ICT analyst and consultant of company Digital Dreams and full professor at Union University – “Nikola Tesla”. Mr. Kočović has more than 30 years of experience working in the IT industry in management and technical positions for end-user organizations and software companies, as well as software developer. Prior to joining Digital Dreams, Mr Kocovic was employer of Gartner company and co-owner of company Tehnicom for 14 years, where he worked in the field of telecommunications, Internet providing and web development. He has experience in all Internet related technologies (including Internet of Things), as well as mathematical foundation for CAD/CAM. On this project he worked in company Energoprojekt-Energodata. He worked in system management, account management, marketing, consulting and systems support, as well as in developing communication and commercial software. “There is never a dull moment in my professional career! It is a delight to work with customers who are constantly seeking out new ways to adopt technology to maximize their business benefit. I feel privileged to be part of that process.” He was invited speaker in few universities. He is full professor at the Union University – “Nikola Tesla” from Belgrade, and University of Belgrade-School of Organizational Science. He has around 100 scientific papers, and published 21 books. Mr. Kočović holds a B.Sc, Mechanical Engineering degree, a M.Sc, in Mechanical Engineering and holds a Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering, Geometric modeling and applied mathematics.
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