Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Collence Takaingenhamo Chisita

Collence Takaingenhamo Chisita is a researcher, lecturer, author and editor at the Durban University of Technology in the Department of Information Systems. He has been working with different local and international organizations including LIASA, ZIMLA, LIAZ, AFLIA and IFLA. Currently he is a Secretary for the IFLA -Indigenous Matters section Chisita has presented papers at local and international conferences in Africa and abroad. Chisita has and continue to work with many universities inside and outside on matters relating to research, teaching and learning . He has collaborated with other researcher from the different IFLA Special interest groups on issues that affect libraries in the modern era. Chisita has written journal articles, book chapters and produced conference papers and participated and presented on webinars relating to topical issues on libraries and related institutions and the emerging technologies.

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