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Information Resources Management Association
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Ayse Asli Yilmaz

Ayşe Aslı Yılmaz is an Assistant Professorand works as chair of the Pilot Training Department at Civil Aviation School of Atilim University. She earned her Ph.D. in Business Administration (English program) from the Social Sciences Institute at Atılım University in 2022, focusing on her dissertation titled "The Value Added by Digital Transformation Criteria to Intellectual Capital Components: Network Analysis on Esenboğa Airport." With a background in Peace Support Operations (PSO), Dr. Yılmaz has served as a course director and instructor on various topics including Cultural Awareness in Multinational Environments, Strategic Communication, Civil-Military Cooperation, and Gender Awareness in PSOs at Partnership for Peace Training Centre, as well as several UN and NATO affiliated agencies and training centres since 2011. Her research interests lie in social networks, intellectual capital, and digital transformation, Aviation Psychology, and Fatigue Risk Management. Dr. Yılmaz has contributed significantly to the field through her writings of book chapters and articles in management and organization domains. She teaches a range of classes including Airport Management, Airport Master Planning, International Aviation Law, and Air Traffic Rules and Regulations. Additionally, she instructs courses on Crew Resource Management (CRM) and Accident Investigation Analysis. Dr. Yılmaz is also a member of the European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP) and has UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) experience.
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