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Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Antoine Toni Trad

Antoine Trad is a holder of a Dr degree in computer sciences degree and a Dr degree in business administration (DBA). Actually, I am a professor and a researcher at IBISTM in Europe and the Middle East. My research field's title is: Transformation Projects’ Impacts, AI based Mathematical Models and Enterprise Architecture; mainly intended for Managers and Architects in Business Innovation and Transformation Projects. My works are leading in mentioned fields in front of global corporations, which can be verified using google scholar; and I have published more than 300 articles in the mentioned fields. In my research project I work on inspecting AI and enterprise architecture solutions in business and digital transformation projects; in parallel to my academic activities I work as a consultant in transformation and enterprise architecture projects. The Framework that I have developed is a leader in transformation projects’ related topics.
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