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International Journal of Big Data Intelligence and Applications (IJBDIA)

International Journal of Big Data Intelligence and Applications (IJBDIA)
Editor(s)-in-Chief: Lawrence Chung (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)and Hao Fan (Wuhan University, China)
Published: Continuous Volume
Copyright: ©2020
DOI: 10.4018/IJBDIA
ISSN: 2644-1675
EISSN: 2644-1683


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Big data promises to evolutionize and revolutionize just about all walks of life, by improving analytical intelligence, and as such has increasingly attracted tremendous interests from both academia and industry. Its pragmatic utility, however, would seem to await not only real applications and experiences, but also the integration of a number of related areas - ranging from data science, AI and machine learning to business analytics, and intelligence and business process re-engineering. The International Journal of Big Data Intelligence and Applications (IJBDIA) is intended as a forum for exchanging ideas and results from the many related areas, as well as in bridging the gap between such individual areas.


Volume 4, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 1
Volume 2, Issue 1
Volume 1, Issue 1


The International Journal of Big Data Intelligence and Applications (IJBDIA) publishes research that bridges the big gap between data science and business-/end user-oriented big data intelligence engineering, while addressing pragmatic utility concerns, thereby striking a pragmatic balance between theory and practice, as well as science and engineering.

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