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Workover Impact on Accidental Risk

Workover Impact on Accidental Risk
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Author(s): Bojan Moslavac (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Copyright: 2014
Pages: 19
Source title: Risk Analysis for Prevention of Hazardous Situations in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Davorin Matanovic (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Nediljka Gaurina-Medjimurec (University of Zagreb, Croatia)and Katarina Simon (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4777-0.ch010


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Certain risks are very common to any application of a downhole control system during workover while others will be field-specific or at least increased or decreased by the given well conditions. Workover anomalies may be caused by erosion, corrosion, mechanical errors, temperature effects on electronics, wear and tear on the dynamic seals, or seizure of moving components. Obviously, the simpler the system and the fewer moving parts, the fewer components are available to fail. Procedures and supporting control software must be developed to ensure optimum system use. Blowouts are not very common today as most blowout preventing systems serve the purpose. However, occasionally, these systems may fail due to either technical problems on the wellbore equipment or human error. Both reasons can cause enormous damage on wellbore equipment, reservoir, surface facilities, or even human loss. The right accidental risk assessment approach can reduce the chances of repeating bad scenarios that happened in the past.

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