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Information Resources Management Association
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Chaotic Systems and Their Recent Implementations on Improving Intelligent Systems

Chaotic Systems and Their Recent Implementations on Improving Intelligent Systems
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Author(s): Utku Köse (Usak University, Turkey)and Ahmet Arslan (Selcuk University, Turkey)
Copyright: 2015
Pages: 34
Source title: Economics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Information Resources Management Association (USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8468-3.ch063


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Chaos Theory is a kind of a scientific approach/research effort which is based on examining behaviors of nonlinear dynamical systems which are highly sensitive to their initial conditions. Currently, there are many different scientific studies based on the Chaos Theory and the related solution approaches, methods, or techniques for problems of this theory. Additionally, the theory is used for improving the introduced studies of different fields in order to get more effective, efficient, and accurate results. At this point, this chapter aims to provide a review-based study introducing recent implementations of the Chaos Theory on improving intelligent systems, which can be examined in the context of the Artificial Intelligence field. In this sense, the main research way is directed into the works performed or introduced mostly in years between 2008 and 2013. By providing a review-based study, the readers are enabled to have ideas on Chaos Theory, Artificial Intelligence, and the related works that can be examined within intersection of both fields. At this point, the chapter aims to discuss not only recent works, but also express ideas regarding future directions within the related implementations of chaotic systems to improve intelligent systems. The chapter is generally organized as a reference guide for academics, researchers, and scientists tracking the literature of the related fields: Artificial Intelligence and the Chaos Theory.

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