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Teaching Humanities With Cultural Responsiveness at HBCUs and HSIs

Teaching Humanities With Cultural Responsiveness at HBCUs and HSIs
Author(s)/Editor(s): DuEwa M. Frazier (Coppin State University, USA)
Copyright: ©2024
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9782-1
ISBN13: 9781668497821
ISBN10: 1668497824
EISBN13: 9781668497838


View Teaching Humanities With Cultural Responsiveness at HBCUs and HSIs on the publisher's website for pricing and purchasing information.


In the realm of higher education, a persistent challenge exists in empowering Black and brown students within Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) to transcend societal limitations. Often labeled as "at risk" or lagging within the achievement gap, these students possess untapped potential hindered by traditional teaching methods. The impact of COVID-19 and racial injustice has exacerbated disparities, underscoring the need for innovative teaching approaches that connect academic subjects with the real experiences of these learners. Educators navigating evolving technology and diverse classrooms strive to bridge this gap while fostering cultural inclusivity.

Addressing this challenge is the book Teaching Humanities With Cultural Responsiveness at HBCUs and HSIs, curated by DuEwa M. Frazier. Representing a groundbreaking collective effort, the book offers transformative educational practices that bridge the gap between conventional teaching and the diverse realities of HBCU and HSI classrooms. Covering topics like teaching ESL and EFL students, accommodating disabilities, integrating hip-hop pedagogies, and promoting social justice education, the anthology provides research-driven solutions that empower educators to revolutionize their teaching methods. To foster academic excellence and equity, the book resonates with scholars, administrators, and educators, guiding them on a journey of innovation that harmonizes cultural responsiveness and academic achievement, ushering in a new era of education.

Author's/Editor's Biography

DuEwa Frazier (Ed.)
DuEwa M. Frazier is an assistant professor, an award-winning poet, TEDx and keynote speaker, children's/YA author, published scholar, and digital creator.


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