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Digital Humanities and Scholarly Research Trends in the Asia-Pacific

Digital Humanities and Scholarly Research Trends in the Asia-Pacific
Author(s)/Editor(s): Shun-han Rebekah Wong (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong), Haipeng Li (University of California – Merced, USA)and Min Chou (New Jersey City University, USA)
Copyright: ©2019
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7195-7
ISBN13: 9781522571957
ISBN10: 1522571957
EISBN13: 9781522571964


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Digital humanities is a dynamic and emerging field that aspires to enhance traditional research and scholarship through digital media. Although countries around the world are witnessing the widespread adoption of digital humanities, only a small portion of the literature discusses its development in the Asia Pacific region.

Digital Humanities and Scholarly Research Trends in the Asia-Pacific provides innovative insights into the development of digital humanities and their ability to facilitate academic exchange and preserve cultural heritage. The content covers challenges including the need to maintain digital humanities momentum in libraries and research communities, to increase international collaboration, to maintain and promote developed digital projects, to deploy and redeploy resources to support research, and to build new skillsets and new professionals in the library. It is designed for librarians, government agencies, industry professionals, academicians, and researchers.

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